September 2023
A wide range of career opportunities in the Upper Wiesental
Schönau, September 2023 - In the first week of September, Heinzmann GmbH & Co KG welcomed nine talented young people who started their training at the company headquarters in Schönau in the Black Forest.
"This year, we were able to once again successfully fill our many apprenticeship positions," explained Marc Rolka, the human resources manager at HEINZMANN. "We will train three industrial clerks, two industrial mechanics, one mechatronics technician, one electronics technician for industrial engineering as well as, for the first time, one IT specialist and one student in the field of media design. Our trainers are looking forward to meeting our new apprentices and assisting them on their way to a successful apprenticeship."
The management, the dedicated team of trainers and the works council of HEINZMANN warmly welcomed the new trainees last Friday, 1 September. The day began with an inspiring company presentation by Managing Director Markus Gromer, followed by a comprehensive safety briefing by the company's competent safety team.
After a joint second breakfast, the "newcomers" made their first experiences during an informative tour of the company, during which the division manager gave them insights into the work processes at HEINZMANN. Afterwards, they had the opportunity to get to know their future colleagues and their training workshops or departments.
In the afternoon, the successful start to the new training round was duly celebrated in the picturesque Gurgelgrillhütte in Schönau.
Shaping the future: Junior staff as key to the development of aspiring companies
"At HEINZMANN, we consider well-trained, motivated employees to be our most valuable asset. Their commitment enables us to develop and produce systems and products to operate industrial combustion engines with reduced emissions, for example, by operating them with alternative fuels. We can also contribute to the expansion of sustainable mobility with innovative solutions in the field of electric drive systems. To this end, we want to invest in young talents, support them individually and offer long-term career prospects that go beyond their training or studies," emphasises Markus Gromer, Managing Director of HEINZMANN.
Spread over the training period, a total of 16 trainees and two dual students complete their training at HEINZMANN. In addition, one to five students from various universities are regularly supervised for practical semesters and theses.
Interested in an apprenticeship in 2024? Find out more and apply online at heinzmann/career. Get insights into apprenticeships at HEINZMANN here: youtube.

(Source: © Heinzmann GmbH & Co. KG)

In the afternoon, the successful start to the new apprenticeship year was duly celebrated in the picturesque “Gurgelgrillhütte” in Schönau
(Source: © Heinzmann GmbH & Co. KG)