March 2024
Company first aiders at HEINZMANN are trained for emergencies
Schönau, March 2024 - Every two years, HEINZMANN organises training courses for the initial and further training of company first aiders. This year, these training courses took place in January and March, each on two consecutive days. The participants were familiarised with the basics of first aid through a comprehensive programme and acquired important knowledge and skills to be able to react appropriately in an emergency. These training courses are of crucial importance, as company first aiders need to refresh their knowledge every two years. The costs are covered by the employers' liability insurance association.
In a world where quick action can often save lives, first aid skills are of eminent importance. For many people, however, the last first aid course was many years ago. This often leads to uncertainty about doing something wrong in a sudden emergency. However, this fear can severely impair the courage to help. It was precisely this circumstance that was mentioned by many participants in the introductory round of this year's second first aid course as the reason for taking part in the course.
Over two days, the participants had the opportunity to spend a total of eight hours learning how to provide first aid in the event of injuries and emergencies, how to take the right measures in the event of acute illness or how to provide assistance in the event of unconsciousness. Many participants were particularly impressed by the practical resuscitation exercise using a defibrillator on a dummy.
The course was not only instructive, but also very entertaining and characterised by a lively exchange of ideas. In the feedback session at the end of the course, everyone thanked Mrs Sillmann from the DRK Kreisverband Lörrach e.V. for the in-depth training, especially for the many practical exercises.
What the participants were able to take away from the course above all else: each individual can save a life with simple actions; the only wrong thing to do is to do nothing.
A total of 35 HEINZMANN employees have now been trained as first aiders for the next two years.

Participants of the first aid course from 1/2 March 2024
(Source of Image: © Heinzmann GmbH & Co. KG)
Practical exercise at the first aider course
(Source of Image: © Heinzmann GmbH & Co. KG)
Practical exercise on a motorcyclist involved in an accident
(Source of Image: Heinzmann GmbH & Co. KG)
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