July 2023
Prizes for the guessing game from the open day
Schönau, July 2023 - HEINZMANN recently honoured the winners of a guessing game held at the company's Open Day (7 May 2023). In this exciting competition, visitors had the opportunity to estimate the number of coloured chocolate lentils in a jar.
With amazing precision and an estimate of 1010, Mr Karl-Heinz Nolden, HEINZMANN employee, came closest to the actual number of 1007 chocolate lentils in the jar. As a reward, he received the coveted main prize - a travel voucher worth 250 euros.
Second place went to Mr Andre Gille, whose estimate of 1001 was also not far off the actual contents of the jar. He won two tickets for the EUROPARK Rust. The third winner, Mr Milan Tondini, unfortunately could not be present at the prize-giving ceremony due to other appointments. He received the prize for his guess of 1000 chocolate lentils, a voucher from Amazon worth 50 euros, by post.
The prizes were presented on 29 June at HEINZMANN in Schönau by the HR department in the presence of the Managing Director, Mr Markus Gromer. He congratulated the winners warmly and regretted the absence of the third winner. Mr Nolden and Mr Gille expressed their sincere thanks for the generous prizes and emphasised that this activity had been a wonderful addition to the Open Day.
It is particularly worth mentioning that Mr Nolden, the HEINZMANN employee and winner of the main prize, expressed how comfortable he feels at the company. He emphasised that HEINZMANN attaches great importance to good working conditions. "I am proud to be part of the HEINZMANN team. The concern for the well-being of the employees is really noticeable here. The great air conditioning in my work area is an example of this," said Mr Nolden.
Mr Gromer underlined the importance of employee satisfaction for HEINZMANN and reiterated the company's commitment to creating a positive working environment. HEINZMANN's top priority is to be an employer that cares for its employees by ensuring that working conditions meet the highest standards and creating a productive and comfortable work environment.
More about HEINZMANN job opportunities www.heinzmann.com/en/career

Presentation of the first main prize to Karl-Heinz Nolden by
Marc Rolka, Human Resources HEINZMANN
(Quelle: © Heinzmann GmbH & Co. KG)

Presentation of second main prize to Andre Gille by
Marc Rolka, Human Resources HEINZMANN
(Quelle: © Heinzmann GmbH & Co. KG)

Group picture with winners of the HEINZMANN guessing game
From left to right:
Marc Rolka, Human Resources HEINZMANN,
Markus Gromer, CEO HEINZMANN,
winner of the main prize Karl-Heinz Nolden,
winner of the 2nd prize Andre Gille,
Martina Denhard-Aisenpreis, Marketing HEINZMANN
(Quelle: Heinzmann GmbH & Co. KG)
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